Makeup & Microblading By Mollie Reeves
Makeup & Microblading By Mollie Reeves

What is ​Microbl​ading?
What is ​Microbl​ading?
Microblading is a form of permanent cosmetics, whereby you mimic the natural hair growth of your eyebrows to create a fuller and more defined brow. Perfect for low daily maintenance, so you can wake up with smudge proof brows!
This is a perfect treatment for people who have overplucked their brows, suffer from hair loss, naturally uneven brows, or struggle with applying makeup everyday
Microblading is a 3 step treatment, first we will have a Consultation, you will then be booked in for your first part of the Microblading treatment, and once healed you will then come in for a 6/8 week top up appointment.

I am a Level 4 KB Pro qualified Microblading Artist. KB pro are the UK's leading training academy & have won awards for world class education
The initial treatment will start with a Consultation, where we will in depth discuss what sort of results you are hoping to achieve, suitability for treatment & also apply a patch test for pigment & topical anaesthetic
1st Treatment
1st Treatment
On the day of your 1st Treatment, I will then choose a suitable pigment colour to match as close to the brow hair as possible. I will then draw a template to measure out the perfect brows for you & complete the Microblading Treatment.
A commonly asked question is "Does this treatment hurt?" - you may feel a small amount of discomfort but this treatment is not necessarily painful.
Once the treatment is complete I will go over some very important aftercare advice, good aftercare is essential to ensure that the brows heal the best they possibly can.
6/8 Week Top Up
6/8 Week Top Up
6-8 weeks after the 1st initial treatment, you will come in for a top up, this is where we can assess pigment retention, shape & the colour the pigment has healed.
Important Treatment
Do's & Dont's
Important Treatment
Do's & Dont's
- Do not take asprin, ibuprofuen or coumadin for two days before & after your treatment.
- Do not discontinue taking any prescribed medication before consulting with your doctor
- Alcohol must not be consumed within 24 hours of the treatment
- Refrain from using sunbeds & avoid natural sun exposure for two weeks before & after the treatment
- Refrain from having your eyebrows waxed for at least 48 hours before the treatment
- Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for one week prior to appointment
- Do not have botox

Important Aftercare
Important Aftercare
- Eyebrows must be kept completely dry for 2 weeks post treatment
- Keep your hair out of this area to prevent infections
- No products should be applied to the treatment area other than what is instructed to use
- Do not expose the eyebrows to extreme heat, cold or moisture for 2 weeks following your treatment. This can include ; direct sunlight, tanning beds, saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, fake tan & swimming
- Do not pick peel or scratch the treatment area - this may result in scarring or infection
- Avoid applying any makeup until the wound has completely exfoliated
- If you are a blood donor, you may not be eligible to give blood for four months post treatment
- Do not do any exercise/activity which may result in perspiration
Microblading Price List
Microblading Price List
Book in today for a free consultation, fill in the contact form below!
Microblading - £295
Microblading - £295
First initial treatment, including 4/6 week top up
Annual Colour Boost - £150
Annual Colour Boost - £150
Your annual colour boost to freshen the hair strokes and make any tweaks to shape & colour
Healed Results
Healed Results
Its so important to look at your artists healed results too! Some examples below of some healed work on my clients
Book an Appointment with Me Today!
Book an Appointment with Me Today!